While we try to ensure accuracy, we reserve the right to correct any errors in pricing or descriptions.  We will cancel or refuse to accept any order based on an incorrect price, color, measurement or description.  Even after an order is accepted, such corrections are possible!


We will keep your address, phone numbers and e-mail address confidential. Therefore, we will not sell, rent or lease our customer list to third parties. We will not provide your personal information to any third at any time unless compelled to do so by law.  In addition, we will use your e-mail address solely to provide timely information about Cristomar products and services.


In the event that an item you order is out of stock, you will receive an email that the item is "sold out".  A full refund promptly issued.


Cristomar will use the greatest care when it comes to your valued floor coverings.  We are professionals trained in and adhere to the highest industry standards for service and workmanship, as defined by ARCS. "The Association of Rug Care Specialists".

Various fibers; such as cotton, silk, wool, rayon, polypropylene, nylon, olefins, sisal, viscose and new synthetic fibers are used to make area rugs.  Some natural fibers are sensitive to moisture.  The Cristomar's Dry Room is a state-of-the-art structure.  The design allows the correct removal of moisture with the least effect on the fibers.  However, shrinkage is natural in the cleaning process for rugs that are not pre-shrunk during manufacturing, or in a previous cleaning process.  We make no guarantee as to the amount of shrinkage expected for your area rug.  Cristomar assumes no responsibility for shrinkage or other noted conditions at the time of receipt.

Complaints or customer claims must be presented to Cristomar within the first 48 business hours following customer possession of the rug or they will not be considered.  Promises of delivery at the time of order are approximate.  You will receive notification of any delivery delays by phone, before the day of promised delivery.  Cristomar will not be responsible for delays by outside forces beyond our immediate control.

There will be a $7.50 per day retention charge added to the service fees for items not redeemed within 21 days of notification.  After 90 days, the item becomes the property of Cristomar, to abate any service charges due.


For your protection and at no charge to you, Cristomar insures your valuable items in our possession against loss by fire, theft or perils of transportation for the noted 21-day period in an amount not to exceed the actual cash value of the item at the time of loss.


We make no guarantees for removal of ink, paint, varnish, fingernail polish, vegetable or fruit based stains, discoloration caused by urine or other acids, or photosensitive dye fading or shading.  Additionally, we make no guarantees regarding durability and integrity of rug or carpet backings, shrinkage or distortion, or effects of natural deterioration by time or other natural elements.

Additionally, any item noted by Cristomar with burlap backing, glued fabric, rubberized latex or other backing repair procedures would not be warranted in the cleaning process.  Such items are cleaned at the owner’s risk, only.  Cristomar will not assume responsibility for running or bleeding of colors or dyes in the cleaning process due to the application of previous cleaning products causing fugitive dye bleeding.

To contact Cristomar, use the "Contact Us" Tab and scroll down to "Drop Us a Note"; or call: 770-753-4242.  We look forward to hearing from you to discuss the professional care of your antique, oriental or area rugs.


Version: 030819