Pet Urine and Odor Removal from your Oriental Area Rug

Pet Accidents

Do you smell a strange odor coming from your Oriental Area Rug?  If you own a pet, the smell is probably from a Pet Urine accident.

Pet accidents on your Area and Oriental rugs should be cleaned up as soon as you find them. Pet urine can damage the rug’s colors and fibers. Proper treatment can help stop the damage.

Pet Urine Odor Removal – Tips

Cotton towels and clean water are the best to use for clean-up. For dried urine stains or an especially strong odor you should treat the area with a 50% white vinegar and 50% water solution. This will help dissolve the urine crystals that have locked onto the fiber of your rug. You may need to make several applications.  The last application should be with plain water.

Use a Spray Bottle

From a 50-50% bottle, spray the affected areas heavily with the solution. Several applications may be needed to complete the Pet Urine Odor Removal.  After every application, use cotton towels to blot up liquid. Blot to dry as much as possible. DO NOT RUB the area because it will fuzz the fibers and change the look of that area permanently. Bath towels can be used under and on top of the rug. Stand on towels to draw out liquid. Continue until you feel pet urine is removed and the odor is removed.  Dry quickly by lifting the rug and adding air movement with a fan. Vacuum, side to side, after the rug dries to lift pile.

Pet Urine can Fade Colors

Pet urine is warm and may have an acidic pH when it lands on your rug. This is the perfect medium to affect the dye colors. Urine fades colors and add a yellow color or cause the existing colors to bleed into each other. The longer urine stains stay in your rug the harder color problems can be to correct; or may not be able to be corrected.

Dried pet urine crystals are harder to remove at home. A professional area rug cleaner who specializes in Pet Urine Odor Removal is your best resource.

To contact Cristomar, you can use the “Contact Us” Tab and scroll down to “Drop Us a Note”; or call: 770-753-4242.  We look forward to hearing from you so we can discuss our cleaning process and the professional care of your antique, oriental or area rugs.

You may also be interested in reading our Post on “Pet Accidents”, which was published in the “Northside Woman Magazine, September, 2018.

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